The new website of the Postgraduate Programme in Geophysics (CPGF) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) is now available. The page was developed from the standard template, using criteria of usability and portability.
The standard was adopted, until now, by 71 graduate programs of the UFPA. The initiative is the Dean of research and graduate studies of the UFPA (PROPESP-UFPA) in partnership with the Systems development laboratory (SIDES), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Marcos Cesar da Rocha Seruffo, Simi Valley campus, and with the research and experimentation of multimedia distance education Advice (AEDi-UFPA).

The proposal of the new CPGF site, as well as other programs, is to facilitate public access to information about its functioning and enhance the institutional link with the UFPA. For this, the sites have a unique visual identity and access domain linked to the PROPESP. To check out the other, simply insert the symbol of the program, followed by. With this new standard, the PROPESP hopes to still increase the visibility of scientific and technical production of PPGs.
In the new site, visitors can access information through programmes of eight tabs: "the program", which provides the main information of the PPG to the visitor; "Academic", with more targeted data to the daily life of students; "Search", which features research initiatives under the programme, detailing the projects and research groups; "Social impact", with information on PPG's contribution to society; "Agenda", which concentrates data about events, meetings and other activities developed under the programme; "Ticket", with information about the selection process; "Theses and dissertations" with the files for download of PPG productions; "Documents", with regulations, forms, acts and other legislation governing the operation of the program.
In addition to organizing and making available the information of PPGs, all sites will present version in English and Spanish, PROPESP's strategy to boost the internationalization of research and postgraduate studies the UFPA.
Among the advantages of the model, is the adoption of the platform Joomla!, which is compatible with the standards of the Centre of information and Communication Technology of the UFPA (CTIC) and presents versions for access on mobile devices (tablets, smartphones etc.). In addition, the platform is considered easy to handle, ensuring that own PPGs continue feeding and updating the new pages.
For this, the PROPESP along with the partners held two workshops of padding and content update, during which engineers, teachers and technicians of the own programs organized your information and made available in new sites.

LAUNCH – to mark the beginning of operation of the new standard, the PROPESP will host launch event on day 14 December (Monday), at 9:00, in the Auditorium of the building of the graduate of the ITEC (PGITEC). The event will feature the participation of guest professor, Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Lopes de Oliveira, current coordinator of Postgraduate Education of Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação of Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), rendering talk entitled "Scientific Integrity and Predatory Magazines", about the dangers that false journals offer the productivity of graduate programs.
PROJECT -the development of the sites was initiated in September 2015 from Situational diagnosis carried out by the laboratories PROPESP partners with regard to the pages of the UFPA PPGs that were in operation. In this survey were identified several situations, among which stand out the plurality of shapes of programmes, some pages based on templates and/or external pages to the institutional domain UFPA. In addition, various forms of organisation have been identified from information of programs, not always complete and/or updated.
Based on the Situational diagnosis carried out and presented to all the coordinators of PPGs, in October 2015, it was possible to establish parameters to guide the development of an institutional proposal. Among the parameters used are: ensure clarity and standard information architecture for all sites of UFPA, as well as the completeness and updating of information.